Create alert
Alerts allow you to target and group Vercel runtime logs via configured conditions and receive notifications when runtime logs match these conditions.
Every configured alert will group the matching logs and allow you to review them in the period of 24 hours.
Use alerts to get notified about runtime errors, or target any kind of event that is specific to your application behaviour for example; trigger an alert when /api/cart/purchase route resolves with a status 200.
Runtime log example
{ "id": "1715610943708313921851358935", "host": "", "path": "_next/static/media/img5.29760467.jpg", "level": "info", "proxy": { "host": "", "path": "/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Fimg5.29760467.jpg&w=1200&q=75", "method": "GET", "region": "fra1", "scheme": "https", "timestamp": 1715610943282, "userAgent": [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ], "statusCode": 200 }, "branch": "main", "source": "static", "projectId": "prj_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "requestId": "mrg6v-1715610943282-bd4b70033344", "timestamp": 1715610943708, "statusCode": 200, "environment": "production", "projectName": "cool-project", "deploymentId": "dpl_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "executionRegion": "fra1" }
Setup filter conditions
Use the filter creator to specify which conditons will match your alert.
Each filter group will apply the and operator to each condition, but you can also create another filter group for your alert which will apply the or operator to the resulting filter.
Configure notification channels
You can configure your alert to send emails to your Vercel team members and also organization members. Additionally, configure your Slack and Discord webhooks to get notifications to your channels.
Alert frequency
This setting determines the maximum interval at which you can receive notifications for your alerts.
So you can be alerted at most once every:
- 10 minutes
- 60 minutes
- 6 hours
- 24 hours
Review matched logs for your alert
Every runtime log that matches your alert will be available on the dashboard for later review.